Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The saga continues

Dropped my resignition letter today, but it's not over yet. The saga continues, my supervisor wants me to stay and he asked me a perfectly straight foward question, what do i want so that i will stay. I told him my primary concern is money, there and that. He asked me how much, what's the minimum that I would consider?I said, after working here for 1 year, I would expect my salary to be higher than 1si freshgrad.
Eric said he will try his best to fight what i want for me, I'm not sure if he'll be succesfull, but sure as hell all of this hope thingy make me feel terrible. I'd rather settle it there and then, no more turning back and the "what if, what if" kinda thinking. Crap, if he really succed, I'm not sure I would want to stay, the people up there will have one kind of impression on me, ohh use this method to threaten us ya...never mind ...i will get you later. Damn, but if i don't accept then it would make it seem like i am playing a fool out of Eric. DAMN!! hate myself sometimes!! How i wish all of this commotion would end today, then i can concentrate on preparing myself for my new job. But the crazy ol' me felt a glimpse of hope, i might be getting what i want and be able to stay in my comfort zone afterall. crap shit! for the 1st time in my conscious life, i have no idea what i want when given a choice, so much for maturity.
It's freaking raining so heavily now, and i'm still stuck in the office, at least i'm all by myself now, almost. Looking around the office, is this where i want to work for the next few year???.......damn i have no answer.


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