Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Changes happen all the time, some for the good, some for the worst. When we are given the chance to make a change, be in it relationship, profession, or what not, should we seize it or just let it slip? I personally don’t feel so comfortable in changes, not used to wander off my comfort zone. But changes also bring opportunity, things might be better. Hell why do I sound so depress?? Anyway, things are about to change, yes yes yes, I’ve just been transferred to another group in my company, no longer in project group, hello product group, here I come. I will anyhow still be under my current supervisor, no change there, I still report to him. But my job spec has changed, what I used to do is about front-end process, etc design rules, design library and so on. Now I will need to work more on back-end process, etc CVD, plasma etch, implantation and so on. So the big question is, is this good? I don’t know, but I don’t really have a choice do I? well, the thing is, this will all be temporary, I will with product group for half a year to 1. wish me luck now.


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