Sunday, October 08, 2006


I can't help myself!! I can't control! BARGAINS!! DISCOUNTS!! 50% off!! 70% off!! Stock clearance!! who could resist, I've been doing alot of shopping lately,its so good to shop, there's so many things to buy here and its cheap!(if you're earning US dollars) the buying power is so strong here...things that are expensive back home are actually cheap a week, i bought 2 nike shoes, nike shirts, timberland shirts, a jacket and a Fossil wallet, and I fear that there's more to come. I must exercise self restrain, or I'll go broke soon, we went to this town called Gilroy and they have this chains of stores there, all of them are factory outlet stores, and they offer really good deal. I dont usually go shopping back at home, I only do my shopping once a year(cny time) and when i some i only buy a few T-shirt thats all..

The wallet that i bought for 16.90 usd

the shoes that I bought for 34.90 USD and 39.99 USD

the jacket that i bought for winter for 28.99 USD

there's just so much to see and so much to buy, thanksgiving is coming soon, and its a huge thing here and I heard that they're going to have a crazy sell!!....I'm going crazy, I'll save up some money now and buy more stuff then...need to get some stuff for friends back at home hehe then Christmas is coming soon too, they're going to have even crazier sell then, GOD help me!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, remember the cap that i ask you to look around...once got find it, let me know k? Hopefully those showing here included one or two given to me...*fingers crossed*

5:43 AM  

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