Friday, March 31, 2006

horrijible race

Sorry for the very late update on the marathon, I had to went into hiding because many of my friends are laughing at me….yes yes I DID NOT finish the race *sob*sob*…anyway, seriously, I did not went into hiding, its just that I had a very busy week, with relatively no time to update this site.

The race was in all…..exhausting!! very exhausting. There was around 40-50 people who participated in the 42KM race, while I heard there’s about 200-250 people who participated for 21KM, yea there are more smart people in this world. We’ve got participant from all over the world, as they claimed, but then I see white people….I see black people…..and I see yellow people…..I also see gals who look like guys…..i see guys who….no wait…all guys look like guys……there was this 3 gals from china who really look like guys….but how do I know they are gals you might ask….no I did not give them a physical checkup…but because of what they wear….don’t have a picture of them but the drawing below should illustrate what I am trying to say

no sane guy would wear like this to a marathon

we started our run at 6am, everything was fine, I started with a steady pace, reach 5KM point in 30minutes, after this point I was getting tired, I ran and walked for most of the time after the 5KM mark, then I reach around 20KM, this is when I got a very bad cramp on every single muscle of my leg….it was bad…when you’ve got a bad cramp and plus you’re tired, you start to hallucinate, you started to think about stuff…..images of my friends begin to come into mind….my mind started to think about life in a strange way…..i guess its is all due to lack of oxygen to my brain…anyways, I pressured on….focusing on taking the next step….then I reach 28KM… was already 11am….a bus came from behind and stopped beside us, the event people in the bus said that there’s no way we could make it back in 1 hour seeing that there another 14KM to go plus the physical condition we are in….happily reluctantly we got on the bus and were sent back to the starting point…..damn

it was one hell of an experience, the pain on the leg was really bad….but it was fun….in a way. My advice is, never attempt a 42KM full marathon within serious training….cause courage alone is useless...the question now is...would i want to attempt a 42KM again? well, it was a definate no right after the race but now as i am typing this...i'm thinking...maybe...just maybe...we'll see

lester, wen and me....after the race...obviously

before the race....semangat sial!


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